Friday, April 6, 2007

My First Blogging

I haven't pissed off enough people, yet. So here is a new opportunity.

I'm a flyfisher, I caught my last trout far too long ago. I'm a flytyer, and ditto. I'm a rodmaker, but not a very good one. I'm a woodworker who has had to forsake the making of furniture during what has now turned into a 7-year renovation project with several more to go. Fortunately, I have fairly recent experience with bourbon. Fishing brings each of these elements into a single arc in my life. I intend to write about these things, and at least one other.

For the past few years I have served as President of an extremely active chapter of Trout Unlimited. It's a hell of a job, too bad the pay sucks so bad. My reaction to being president ranges from supreme irritation to immense pride. I suspect that most other TU activists, whether they are presidents or just recurring volunteers is pretty much the same. I don't pretend that my experience is unique or special. In fact, I think it is pretty typical. And because it is typical, because it is shared, because nobody else seems to be writing about it on a regular basis, I am going to.

In this space I hope to rant and rave, to show appreciation for the folks who share this passion with me, to bluntly criticize those who make my (unpaid) work harder, and to spin crazy-ass theories on how to make it go all that much better. When I get sick of writing, I'll quit for a while. When I want to write about something else, I will do so. When I want to tell you how cool I am, I'll tell you how cool I am. I make no promises whatsoever, except that in this space I will do as I please, without apology. Sorry if that irks you (just testing you, I don't give a dam).

Enjoy. Or don't. I do this for me.

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