Tuesday, April 10, 2007


This is too much not to comment on.

A few of you who know me know that I am a lawyer. A litigator, in fact. A union and employment litigator to be precise. I am supposed to be in the middle of a trial right now. A fairly straightforward, two-day trial for breach of contract. I woke up this morning with laryngitis. That's right, your favorite blogging trial lawyer can barely speak. I had to croak just to ask the judge to continue the trial to another date. I was actually worried he'd say "no." Judges hate it when you screw up their schedules. I had my associate with me, you might know him as "Pancho." The judge could have just said "Have Pancho try it, he's here." The client didn't want that, I was okay with it but wanted my client to be happy, Pancho was okay with it but also wanted the client to be happy.

A fuckin' lawyer who can't talk. There's about a hundred jokes in that. Feel free.


Chris said...

haha. Ironic indeed. I would have made Neil try it.

Which judge?

TroutGrass said...

It was Gibler. He seems like a good guy. Good judge, too.